Sorry I haven't blogged in a while...I really don't have much of an excuse. Since my last post, I had a cross country meet at Concordia, and it didn't go so well. It rained a ton that day, and the whole course was basically mud, so I was focusing so much on not falling that I didn't have such a good race. It was our last 5K, but we have Conference this weekend to make up for the bad times. I wasn't sure that my coach would have me go to conference, since I am one of the slower girls on our team, but he decided that I had earned the right so he let me choose! It was nice that he was looking at more than just speed. This week has been nice and easy for cross country because we have been tapering to prepare for Conference. Only four of us girls are able to go because the others have injuries...we started out with 8, so it's weird that only half of us are racing now! I race at 11:00 (my time), so I would greatly appreciate any small prayers if you remember :)
As far as school goes, we are half way through the semester, which is kinda weird. It feels like it's gone by so fast, yet a whole half of a semester until Christmas seems so long! I have a C+ in Anatomy, which is my hardest class. As long as I'm passing, I'm happy! We have an exam tomorrow, and I'm hoping that I will be able to bring my grade up to a B by the end of the semester. Luckily, for this exam, I was smarter in preparing, so I won't be cramming tonight. A little studying each night is definitely the way to go! Half of a semester done, and half to go 'til I get to see everyone! Woohoo!
Here are some pictures from our cross country meet on the 17th...

I half-tripped going around a corner...only one knee went down, but it definitely got muddy!