Although it has gone by so fast, I wouldn't trade my choice to spend my freshman year of college at George Fox University for anything. I have made some amazing friends. I have met some awesome people. I have been challenged to think for myself. I will truly miss this place. Tomorrow I will be leaving Newberg, OR. I will spend a weekend at the beach with my mom. I will spend the summer in Missoula, MT working at Lighthouse Espresso. And then I will move to Colorado Springs for an internship. And after that, who knows? I am so thankful that my life is in the Lord's hands and that I can trust in His plan. He is such a good Father. So, I thought for this post, I would put some pictures up from my time here at Fox. I thank God for these amazing people that He has put into my life!
At Macaroni Grill on my birthday
Valentine's Day with Lauren and Megan

We got all dressed up and went out to dessert for Megan's birthday
An adventure to Washington Square
We went to Jimmy Mak's, a jazz club in Portland, for my Understanding Jazz class
Our first adventure the creepy pet cemetery. Not really sure why we went there!
Serve Day with my RA, Anika :)
All of the girls on my floor on serve day. We served at a local ministry called Love Inc.
Our last weekend together, we went to the Seaside beach and took over 600 pictures!
One of my favorite pictures from our beach adventure of me and Megan!

And one of my favorite pictures of me and my roommate, Dana
We did some very random things together! There were many times when we were stressed out about tests or papers, and times when we were unmotivated to do anything. We would get inspired and write random songs, or we would feel down and have an evening of worship and prayer. I've gotten so close to these girls! They both love the Lord so much, and I'm so excited to see where God takes them. Megan is going into the nursing program next year and Dana is going to Music Therapy school in Lake Oswego. We have done pretty much everything together this year, and I'm really going to miss them.
Rotic with Courtney, who lives across the hall

Penn 2 girls floor retreat to the beach. What a nice relaxing place to study for 3 tests and write a paper!

My cross country team. These were the first people I met at Fox, and I love each one of them. We had some great times running together! This picture is from our cross country camp the week before classes started.
And this is from a fun weekend that I went to see Lauren. I'm so thankful that Lauren lives so close to me. It was so good to get to visit her every once in a while and see her play basketball and run in track. The girls that she has gotten to know are really awesome! God has huge plans for Lauren's life, and it's going to be hard to live so far away from her.