Here are some pictures of Band Tour! We left Friday the 20th and got home on the 25th. We were suppose to leave on the 19th, but the bus was broken, so we were delayed a day. It was actually God's grace that they found the problem when they did, because it could have been very dangerous for us. We traveled to Denver and performed at a school there. We also got to eat at Cosa Bonita, a huge Mexican restaurant, and see Phantom of the Opera. We then traveled to Salt Lake City, where we performed at anoher school and went to an NBA game. We also got a tour of the Mormon Tabernacle. It was interesting, I must say! The time went by really fast, and we spent many hours on the bus, but overall it was a great experience! Plus we got to miss school:)
Here are what the pictures are of:
1) Me, Heidi Cross, and Kayla Bullock in the shopping area of Salt Lake City
2)Heidi Cross and I after Phantom of the Opera (it was incredible!)
3)Me, Heidi, and Mr. Cross out to lunch after church on Sunday in the mall area of Denver. Mr Cross' friends from college took us to a really good Italian restaurant. We went to church at Cherry Hills that morning.
4)Me, Kayla, Heidi, Austin, Josiah, and Kyle eating at Cosa Bonita
5)Me and Heidi on the bus. We spent about 35 hours on the bus over the whole trip! There were some crazy games of Catch Phrase and Mad Gab and Go Fish! Heidi was my seat buddy.
Monz your hair is SOOO pretty!!!! And I love the pictures! They're so cute! I wish I could've been with you guys!
Looks like a great trip...I didn't know you were going to Phantom! Can't wait to hear more. We miss you!!! I love you.
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