Tuesday, August 18, 2009

In Newberg

My mom and I just made it to Newberg, OR where I will be going to George Fox University! It hasn't quite hit me yet that I don't live in Missoula anymore. Yesterday, we drove about 6 hours to Kennewick, WA and stayed in a Red Lion. We slept in this morning then had breakfast at the hotel, then drove four hours here to Newberg, with a little detour around Portland. We're going to go get some stuff for my dorm room, and I will move in tomorrow. It's about 90 degrees here and pretty humid...a little warmer than Missoula has been lately! I am really excited about this new adventure, and kinda nervous at the same time, mostly about cross country. But I know that this is God's will, and while I am excited and nervous, I am also at total peace. I know that as long as I trust in God and commit myself to Him every day, everything that happens to me is in His hand. Thanks everyone for praying for me! I'll try to keep this updated as best as I can!

1 comment:

Lissa said...

I can't believe you're all moved and everything. So weird...
I love you. Let's talk soon.