Wednesday, February 10, 2010


You know that pop test I told you about? Well, I got an 88% on it. I was hoping to get an A because I studied so much for it. Guess what took my grade down so's something that I have always struggled with...MULTIPLE CHOICE! Even though he gave us questions that were almost exactly the same as the ones on the practice test, I still managed somehow to miss a bunch! But, I am happy with an 88%! It's better than and 87%, right?!

I'd also like to share that I have really been enjoying my Bible class! I have been opened up to a much wider perspective on the Bible, and I love reading it as a historical book, rather than always trying to apply it to my own personal situations. It's amazing to realize that these were real people who went through these things. Many of the choices they made have greatly influenced our world today. Yesterday we had a discussion about whether or not the Israelites establishing kings was a violation of the covenant they made with God. Our teacher split us into two groups and we were each given one side to defend. Eventually we all came to the conclusion that we really can't say what should have happened (like much of what happened in the Bible)! God works in such mysterious ways, and through this class, I have been forced to ask questions that I haven't really considered all the options of. Anyways, it's been really good, and I just wanted to share that :)

1 comment:

Megan said...

umm... I agree :)
I'm really enjoying to too, even though I get kinda stressed about the test and memorizing... lol.