Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Prince Gilbert

Today my roommate, Dana, and I finally bought a beta fish! He is so pretty, and we decided to call him Gilbert. We also have three other fish that are kinda like translucent fish. Two orange ones and a smaller blue one, and I have a funny story about them: We originally bought four fish (two blue instead of one), and we decided to name them Adam and Eve (the orange ones), and Cain and Abel (the blue ones). We were joking that night about how Cain was going to kill Abel, because that's what happens in the Bible story. Well, we wake up the next morning, and guess who's dead...ABEL!!! Haha! We had a funeral for him in the bathroom. Here are a few pictures of our little family :)


Kylie and crew. said...

I love that you have fish! I love that you are having so much fun in college.

Monica Hartzell said...

I know! it's pretty much amazing!!