Friday, September 11, 2009

Serve Day 2009

Hey everyone! So, I haven't had a chance to blog about this yet, so it's a little late. This past Wednesday we had Serve Day here at George Fox, and it was an awesome experience! There are no classes all day, and the whole campus goes out into the community to serve. Our dorm floor served at an organization called Love Inc., helping to deep clean their house, garage, paint, do yardwork, and organize donations. They are basically a connection point for all the churches in the area to help those in need. Each church is a different "station" that families can go to if they need food, clothing, kitchen supplies, etc, and Love Inc organizes it all. They also have rooms to host homeless women. It was wonderful to get to serve them with our floor.
Now, it's my second weekend of college, and I have much more going on these next couple of days than I did last week. Tonight I'm going to dinner at a couple's house from the church I went to on Sunday, Newberg Foursquare. They are so nice and invited me over to get to know me better. Tomorrow, I have my first cross country meet, which I am both nervous and excited for. I'm not really sure how fast I will be compared to everyone else, but it doesn't really matter that much. Then, on Sunday, I'm going to a beach party with Lauren that Corban College is having! I love when I get to see Lauren! Here are some pictures from serve day.

Me and my RA, Anika. She's really nice!
Me and Megan, who lives down the hall. We have three classes together...she's very outgoing and friendly.
Washing windows!
Our whole floor...I won't go through all the names. Can you find me???
My roommate Dana. She's amazing!


Kylie and crew. said...

What a cool thing for the churches to do together...great ministry idea. Of course I found you in like half a second in the group picture. That is so cool that family invited you over. I'm going to find a new college student and do that too....beucase I'm so happy they are doing if for you I'll make some mama or sister happy somewhere else... I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Thanks for blogging I LOVE it. Beth and Lis read it too they just don't comment so keep it coming. Finally I WILL be sending you a package next week I promise!

Monica Hartzell said...

Thanks Ky! It is really great to have "adopted" parents, because they will always welcome us into their home like family, so you should do that! I guess it's actually something college students sign up for at their church. And I will keep them coming! I like blogging! I love you!