Saturday, January 22, 2011

Root Canal?!

Yesterday began and ended well, but the middle was not so fun...

I had two cavities on the right side of my mouth that I had to get filled, so I went to the dentist yesterday to make it happen. On one of my teeth (furthest one back on the top right side) the dentist was going to take out the prior fillings and put in a more durable "inlay", so that it wouldn't get as many cavities. As she was digging out the filling for a little less than 2 hours, she started to seem a little concerned. She needed an x-ray...I started praying that it wouldn't be as bad as she thought. But, it was. I needed a root canal because the decay went too far down. So, they gave me directions to the dentist that was actually able to do a root canal. After another 2 hours of holding my mouth open while my tooth was being drilled out and the nerves underneath killed, I was finally done at the dentist. It was a bit of an emotional day, but Beth and Tanner were so kind as to take me out for dinner! My mouth was pretty sore, but I thought I'd be up to it. Here's the delicious sandwich I attempted to eat. I had no idea it was going to be so huge!

And, tomorrow I get to watch my beautiful niece Ty all day so that Tanner and Beth can have a date on the slopes. I'm pretty excited!

Monday, January 10, 2011

"In my flesh I shall see God"

Job 19: 25-27 (NKJV)

For I know that my Redeemer lives,

And He shall stand at last on the earth;

And after my skin is destroyed, this I know,

That in my flesh I shall see God,

Whom I shall see for myself,

And my eyes shall behold, and not another.

How my heart yearns within me!

I was pondering this verse today. I got a new Bible study software called Logos (and it's awesome!), and on it there is a daily devotional book. It's called Morning and Evening, by Charles Spurgeon. This evening was on this verse, "And after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see God." This was part of Job's reply to his friend who was telling him that all the bad things that were happening to him were because of his sin. The rest of the chapter before these verses, Job is going through all of the things God allowed to happen to him, and it is horrendous! To name a few, he was stripped from his glory, hopeless, outnumbered, rejected by those who used to love him, a stranger to even his own wife, and so sick in his body that he was looking death in the face. After all this, Job still said, "I know that my Redeemer lives!" His eyes were not on his circumstance, but on the perfect will of the Father. Even through all this, his spirit remained strong and even grew stronger.

And then he says, "In my flesh I shall see God." To see God is unfathomable. No one has ever seen him. One tiny glance would kill us because our bodies can't handle it! But the fact that this statement of Job's is true for all who believe blows my mind. One day, we will have resurrected bodies that will have the capacity to see God. And we will worship Him forever. But, first the earth will face the greatest tragedies ever. Christians will face persecution with more intensity than in all of history. In the midst of chaos, I want my response to be like Job's response. I want to be able to follow God so closely that I could never fall away. When people are falling beside me, I want to be one who stands for the hope that Jesus promised us. I want to be able to worship God and stand in awe of Him when there are tragedies all around me.

Then, after God judges the earth, I really will get to see Him. That is beyond comprehension.

I wrote this song the other day based on Psalm 1. I truly believe that by living in the Word and meditating on it day and night, I will be transformed into the likeness of Jesus and I will be able to stand in that day.

Like a Tree

I want to be like a tree

Planted by the stream of living water

And I want to stand in your counsel, Lord

Not tossed to and fro by circumstantial waves

On your sacred Word will I meditate

My delight will be in your flawless law

So help me to be faithful with the little that you give

And let me bear good fruit when the season is right

Let me stand in agreement with you even as you judge the earth

For I want to be standing in that day

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A long while later...

The Call Sacramento was a long time ago, and a lot has happened since then! So, here are a few highlights:

*October 18 - Mission's training! For this internship one of the great opportunities we had was to go on a missions trip...but first we had to do some training in order to maximize our experience and bless our contacts. During this weekend, we learned all about Chinese culture and what is to be expected of us. We learned that we must ALWAYS eat what they give us with a smile, whether we want to puke or we love it. We learned how important it is that we stay in communion with the Lord, even when there's not much time. And we learned the importance of community and a servant's heart. It was a really fun experience!

*October 25-November 12 - Hong Kong/China Mission's Trip! Basically our goal on this trip was to go to strategic locations in Hong Kong and China to cover the city and the nations with prayer and worship. And we did just that. We also got to minister at a couple of churches and do some street evangelism, passing out tracts. The thing that the Lord showed me was just the magnitude of what He is doing in the earth. He is truly setting up the stage for His return by uniting the church and opening doors for the Gospel to reach every tongue, tribe, and people group! We only got a small glimpse, but it was enough to make me want to give my life for this one purpose: Knowing God and making Him known! (The picture is of our group at Tienamen Square in Bejing)

*Home for Thanksgiving - this was a much needed break. It was so good to see everyone and get to share about what God is doing! (We are at Erik's hockey game in this pic!)

*December 17 - Graduation! A few weeks after Thanksgiving, I graduated from the internship with the four other interns. The Lord did so much in my heart during the internship and gave me so much direction for my life! He gave me a heart for the lost, the church, and intimacy with him. I also made some awesome friends in the community here.

*December 18-27 - Christmas Break! Another much needed break, and it was so good to see everyone. I love spending time with my family and friends. (This is pretty much one of the only pictures I took...I really should've taken more!)

*December 27-Jan 1 - Onething Conference in Kansas City! 30,000 people gathered in Kansas City to worship and receive teaching. Peoples lives were changed, and it was also very good for my own heart, as I just consecrated my heart to the Lord again. (Sorry...I don't have any pictures)

Since Onething, I've been leading worship at the prayer room and looking forward to starting classes online at Pikes Peak Community College on the 24th. My plan as of now is to pursue a degree in nursing and continue to be involved at theWall. I'm trusting that if this is the Lord's will, He will open all of the doors! God is so good in the way He leads and I am so excited about what He is doing in the earth!!!